Hello! My name is...

Josh Deckard

Web Developer

JavaScript ReactJS Redux HTML CSS Storybook NPM
JavaScript ReactJS Redux HTML CSS Storybook NPM
Laravel PHP Livewire MySQL Bootstrap Animations Kotlin
Laravel PHP Livewire MySQL Bootstrap Animations Kotlin
NodeJS MongoDB MVC GIT Android/Studio Office JQuery
NodeJS MongoDB MVC GIT Android/Studio Office JQuery
Josh Deckard Headshot

About me

I started learning programming in 2021, where I found my passion for web development. I am currently getting my degree in full-stack development, with plans to graduate in June of 2024 with a 4.0 GPA.

I am currently focusing my efforts on front end development using React, or Livewire. I have a strong dedication to quality and responsive design. I believe there is always something new to learn, and I am doing my best to stay up to date on best practices and new frameworks or tools. My ability to create and follow user-friendly designs makes me a valuable member on any team, or for freelance work.

Please reach out to me if you have a possible opportunity or would like to discuss my work. I look forward to hearing from you.



I have experience working primarily with React, and are familiar with Livewire, Redux, Bootstrap, and more.

I love building from scratch, bringing design files to life, or interesting ideas into fully responsive works of art.


NodeJS, and Laravel are what I am most familiar with on the back-end so far, but am learning more and more each day.

All of my projects so far have been full stack, so if your curious about my work take a look at my GitHub!


I have experience working with Android Studio, building cool projects that are business ready and user friendly.

All the projects are built using Kotlin. Some can perform CRUD operations, others point to and recieve public API's.


I have built custom API's and endpoints for each of my projects, and I am extremely proficient in DBMS.

Although I still have much to learn, my favorite database systems are currently MySQL, MongoDB, and Sqlite.


There are plenty of tools in my arsenal, so here are the ones I am using for projects I am currently on:

Figma, NPM, Postman, Azure DevOps, GitHub, Bootstrap, ExpressJS, and many more. I am always on the lookout!


Understanding Git has been a priority since day one, and I have used it in every project since the beginning.

I have also dabbled with Storybook, SCRUM workflow, and Photoshop. If you have any recommendations let me know!


Spokane Community College
September 2022 - Present
AA Software Development

I studied full-stack development in React, PHP, JavaScript, Kotlin, NodeJS, and more. I plan on graduating in June of 2024 with a 4.0 GPA.

Personal Projects
Full Stack Development

I have quite a few projects on my GitHub, and a few websites that are currently hosted. Check out my Portfolio Section for a detailed list!

Present - Future
Future clients

I am getting to a point where I am designing and hosting projects for real world clients in my free time. I am always looking for work! Check the contact page!

Contact Me!

I would love the chance to work with you. If you have a job opportunity please email me, or call the number on my resume!

Are you starting up a business? Do you want to contract me to build your website for you? Please don't hesitate to reach out via email and I will get back to you. My availability at the moment is pretty open, and I am flexible when it comes to the price!

I look forward to hearing from you!
